
HomeBody compares the domestic sphere and the body at sites of both healing and trauma, complex vessels that hold our lives and memories but also have the potential to betray or fall short in keeping safe what and who is inside. Additionally, these works examine the performance of Self; we are each a collection of infinite memories and experiences from personal and ancestral histories, yet we are reduced to one body, the roles we hold within the spaces we occupy, and the way our performances of these roles are interpreted by others. I use self-portraiture to examine my autonomy or lack thereof in my body, my childhood home, and within my family system. In mixed media drawings, my figure dons a leotard to mark me a player in the roles of “daughter”, “sister”, “girl”, and “woman”.

a primal dwelling, 2024

gouache, charcoal, chalk pastel, ink, acrylic, beads, keys, string

32”w x 24”h

I cried all over the front yard, 2024

gouache, ink, charcoal, chalk pastel, graphite, beads, thread

28.5”w x 30.5”h

stitched together, tearing apart, 2024

gouache, acrylic, ink, magazine clippings, paper

84”w x 65”h

unmade, 2024

paper, gouache, pastel, ink, acrylic, thread, childhood bed frame

75”w x 38”d x 30.5”h


Omar St.